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P³ 納米銀粒子光觸媒消毒防菌噴霧300毫升 Nano-silver Titanium Dioxide(NSTD) Spray300ml

P³ 納米銀粒子光觸媒消毒防菌噴霧300毫升 Nano-silver Titanium Dioxide(NSTD) Spray300ml

P³ NSTD 選用極細納米微粒 (2nm),令光觸媒能以超細緻霧化效果黏附於物件上形成防菌塗層,使其不易脫落,並同時加入納米銀粒子,令防菌/病毒效果延伸,全面提升防護效能!一次噴塗,效能可維持4星期!日夜保護,萬無一失!


產品符合美國藥典(U.S. Pharmacopeia)42-NF37標準


・除VOC ( 如:甲醛 )


P³ 除了關注大眾的個人防護需要,亦了解大眾對家居處所的防菌/防病毒需求。
因此 P³ 亦可為家居處所提供「納米銀光觸媒噴塗服務」,為用家提供更完善的健康保障。


P³ NSTD is made by ultra-fine nanoparticles (2nm) to ensure the photocatalyst can conglutinate objects by atomization in order to form an antibacterial coating which is not easy to peel off.

At the same time, silver nanoparticles are added to enhance antibacterial activity. 

Protection efficiency can be improved by a spray, the performance can be lasting for 4 weeks! Enjoy the full protection!


The silver nanoparticles are very small in size which is suitable for spraying on transparent surfaces (such as glass), electronic screen products or objects/clothing with dark colours.
There is no residue left behind. The silver nanoparticles will also cause no clothing fiber damage.


German TUV product testing proved that the antibacterial rate is 99.997%

The product complies with U.S. Pharmacopeia 42-NF37 standard.
The antibacterial ability, the anti-disease immunity and the deodorizing effect is better than ordinary alcohol or disinfectant cleaning spray.


Product features
・Sterilization and antibio
・Disinfection and antiviral
・Mould and antibacterial

In addition to paying attention to the public's & personal protection needs, P³ also understandsthe public's anti-bacterial and anti-virus needs for home and premises.

Therefore, P³ also provides "nano-silver photocatalyst spraying service" for customers withbetter health protection.

If you are interested in the above services, please login to Facebook page or WhatsApp 67700455 to contact us for details.


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